Digital Lead Generation
Due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote working will become the norm, and networking and selling activities will increasingly shift to the digital realm. Digital channels and lead resources such as social media, websites, email marketing, content marketing, and others are increasingly used by sellers and buyers. For a variety of reasons, including safety, reduced travel costs, and other factors, an increasing number of people are opting for digital communications over personal interactions.
Value-based Selling
In 2022, there will be a more concerted effort to promote value-based selling.
Companies are realising that slamming deals in front of customers doesn’t work, and it frequently backfires. They will use real-time data trends as part of their lead generation strategies to demonstrate the value of their products and services to customers rather than outright pitching them to buy them.
To avoid losing potential customers due to frustrating experiences, outbound call centers will increasingly move toward more value-based selling.
Increasing Rise of Chatbots
AI is being used in a variety of industries and scenarios, and it has the potential to significantly improve a variety of areas and issues. It is also being used by businesses to improve lead generation and sales.
One method is to use increasingly sophisticated chatbots to drive improved business communications and provide better customer support services.
The main advantage of chatbots is the ability to provide near-instant responses to common questions and issues, and many respondents in multiple surveys say they appreciate chatbots’ ability to provide near-instant responses.
Live Chat and Video Conference
Because COVID-19 makes in-person networking and meetings dangerous, communication channels have shifted to digital platforms. Some key sales trends to watch in 2022 include the rise of video conferencing and live chat offerings. Many surveys have found that decision-makers prefer video interactions to phone conversations. Sales and marketing teams will increasingly use online lead generation tools, such as live chat and video conferencing, to drive lead generation activities while providing a better overall customer experience.
AI Will Boost Sales Efforts
According to surveys, only about half of sales representatives meet their quotas. Artificial intelligence and call center analytics are now being seriously considered as effective ways to improve these figures. AI can assist teams in gathering valuable data on current and potential customers in order to develop better marketing strategies to increase sales.
AI can also make recommendations to customers based on previous transactions and assist sales and marketing teams in planning ahead, as well as can assist teams in identifying leads with a higher likelihood of conversion and in providing a better customer experience.
Influencer Marketing to Gain Traction
It is not new for brands to turn to thought leaders to help generate leads. The COVID-19 pandemic, on the other hand, has fueled this shift toward influencer marketing.
Influencers are individuals, digital entities, or brands who have established authority in specific social media niches. Companies that provide services or products in areas where influencers have authority will increasingly rely on these influencers to generate new business leads.
Influencers also have a deep understanding of their audience and can help businesses better understand their key demographic.
Increasing Focus on Customer Experience
Brands are increasingly seeking new methods to improve and personalise the service they deliver to their customers. Speed, informed assistance, convenience, and polite service are all important variables that influence customer experience, and businesses are exploring many methods to guarantee that they give the best possible service.
Customer loyalty has been demonstrated to increase when customers have a positive experience. Furthermore, putting out the effort to analyse customer behaviour, such as presenting ideas based on previous purchases, encourages visitors to stay on your site longer and potentially purchase more products or services.
Social Media Lead Generation Activity Continues
For many years, brands have leveraged social media channels to generate warm leads. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, however, marketers have sought to improve their lead generation through social media channels.
Brands will achieve this in 2022 by personalising their content and tailoring it to the leads they want to generate. This will necessitate learning more about the ideal leads on a personal level, as well as their areas of interest. For sales enablement, brands will utilise artificial intelligence and machine learning to “listen” to their consumers on social media in order to better understand them and give more targeted content that generates leads.